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Suggested dropletname: MakeTag

Published by: Aldus

Creates a html tag, opens and closes this tag with 2 droplet calls for tags that should be used over more than one section

if (!isset($typ)) $typ = "div";
if (!isset($id)) $id = "";
if (!isset($mode)) $mode="open";
if (!isset($class)) $class="";
if ($class != "") $class = "class='".$class."' ";
if ($id != "") $id = "id='".$id."' ";
$html = "<";
if ($mode == "close") {
	$html .= "/".$typ.">";
} else {
	$html .= $typ." ".$id." ".$class.">";
return $html;

Reuquired parameters

id (default = 'no_id')

Optional parameters

type (default = 'div');
mode (default= 'open')

Example Call:

[[MakeTag?id=tabs]]  for an opening div-tag,
[[MakeTag?mode=close]] for a closing div-tag.

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