Module | Current version | Total |
MiniForm - v0.15.4 | 513 | 36703 |
WBstats - v0.2.5.5 | 494 | 24933 |
socialBaker - v2.12 | 415 | 22013 |
Minigallery-V2 - v2.5.4 | 631 | 13723 |
Reviews - v1.4.0 | 2035 | 9437 |
SysInfo - v0.4.1 | 1382 | 8461 |
CronCheck - v4.0 | 1850 | 7763 |
Bootstrap Multiple Columns - v1.2.3 | 1773 | 7511 |
Google Sitemap XML - v1.8.8 | 1736 | 6702 |
MiniHero Banners - v0.6 | 465 | 6571 |
GlobalBlocks - v1.1 | 2512 | 5445 |
ShortURL - vv4.0 | 4043 | 5417 |
MiniPopup - v0.5 | 877 | 4869 |
Bakery Payment plugin for Mollie - v1.1 | 1297 | 4561 |
Secure Admin - v0.3.0 | 570 | 4441 |
SectionPicker - v0.29 | 3407 | 3407 |
Smart Image - v0.1.3 | 412 | 3158 |
MiniHero Video Banners - v0.2 | 1698 | 2732 |
Minislides - v1.0.5 | 14 | 2580 |
Backgroundslider - v0.1 | 2337 | 2337 |
Numbers - v1.1.2 | 566 | 2284 |
Jobs - v2.2.1 | 2157 | 2157 |
Force Password Change - v1.0.0 | 1473 | 1473 |
MiniExitPopup - v0.1 | 1358 | 1358 |
LogRotate - v0.1.0 | 839 | 839 |
CleanOldData - v1.0 | 546 | 546 |
MiniCompare - v1.0 | 377 | 377 |
404 - v1.6.1 | 139 | 242 |
Module | Current version | Total |
Minify - v1.7.3 | 215 | 7546 |
Google Fonts Loader - v0.5 | 287 | 1874 |
Google Reviews - v1.1 | 221 | 390 |
Module | Current version | Total |
MiniGallery - v0.5 | 2295 | 9543 |
Portfolio - v0.1 | 3995 | 8224 |
MiniSlider - v0.2.1 | 2178 | 6364 |
wBanner - v0.1.10 | 1202 | 5074 |
MultiPartPages - v0.1.6 | 906 | 4042 |
ImageFlow - v0.7.6 | 2199 | 2199 |
PHPinfo - v0.1 | 2179 | 2179 |
IsMobile - v0.5 | 1925 | 1925 |
MiniCounter - v0.23 | 1839 | 1839 |
UsersOnline - v0.1 | 1725 | 1725 |
PageTags - v0.17 | 1472 | 1472 |
LatestNews - v0.22 | 1060 | 1060 |
Minislides | about 33 minutes ago |
WBstats | about 44 minutes ago |
WBstats | about 51 minutes ago |
Minify | about 58 minutes ago |
MiniForm | about 1 hour ago |
ShortURL | about 2 hours ago |
MiniGallery | about 3 hours ago |
MultiPartPages | about 3 hours ago |
MiniPopup | about 6 hours ago |
GlobalBlocks | about 8 hours ago |
Free community modules | 49 |
Commercial projects | 179 |
Total versions released (all modules) | 867 |
Visitors | 301072 |
Pageviews | 783234 |
Downloads | 247496 |
Searchengine robot pageviews | 2425184 |
A very big thank you to all donors!! It is good to see my work is appreciated, and it will keep me motivated to create more in the future..
Year | #donations | Total |
2010 | 1 | € 10,00 |
2011 | 2 | € 50,00 |
2012 | 5 | € 105,00 |
2013 | 5 | € 265,00 |
2014 | 7 | € 185,00 |
2015 | 7 | € 313,45 |
2016 | 6 | € 180,00 |
2017 | 10 | € 335,00 |
2018 | 6 | € 380,00 |
2019 | 4 | € 255,00 |
2020 | 4 | € 180,00 |
2021 | 4 | € 55,71 |
2022 | 8 | € 419,00 |
2023 | 2 | € 52,00 |
2024 | 8 | € 445,00 |