Version: 0.15.3,
Timestamp: 08-12-2022,
Downloads: 383
- fixed get_magic_quotes() error
Version: 0.15.2,
Timestamp: 01-12-2022,
Downloads: 406
- fixed Captcha bug on last multistep forms
- fixed several PHP8.1 warnings
Version: 0.15.1,
Timestamp: 18-07-2019,
Downloads: 1457
v 0.15.1
- fixed the undocumented change in captha handling in WB2.12.2
- fixed the "page saved" message after saving settings in the backend
Version: 0.15.0,
Timestamp: 30-04-2019,
Downloads: 1111
v 0.15.0
- fixed issue with storing sent form
- fixed compatibility issue with WBCE 1.4
Version: 0.14.0,
Timestamp: 22-03-2019,
Downloads: 1041
v 0.14.0
- Fixed file upload problem on IOS
- Fixed too much cleaning of data between { } (causing javascript problems) - Thnx DBS
Version: 0.13.0,
Timestamp: 28-06-2018,
Downloads: 1492
v 0.13.0
- fixed Ajax caching problem on IOS
- added field REFERER to be used in email templates
Version: 0.12.0,
Timestamp: 30-06-2017,
Downloads: 1785
v 0.12.0
- option to "not" save data in the server database (privacy!)
- option to send confirmation mail to logged-in visitor
Version: 0.11.0,
Timestamp: 30-06-2017,
Downloads: 1333
v 0.11.0
- added Ajax form submissions
Version: 0.10.0,
Timestamp: 10-04-2017,
Downloads: 1291
v 0.10.0
- added the possibility to load your template directly from the form-creator website
+ edit your loaded template at a later time
- bugfixes for special characters
v 0.9.1
- Improved SMTP sending (disabled phpmailer SMTPAutoTLS)
- SMTP allows self signed certificate in PHP5.6
- Frontend reporting SMTP errors when sending failed
- Fixed wrong extra data in email template
v 0.9
- added functionality for google reCaptcha
Version: 0.9.1,
Timestamp: 23-02-2017,
Downloads: 1428
v 0.9.1
- Improved SMTP sending (disabled phpmailer SMTPAutoTLS)
- SMTP allows self signed certificate in PHP5.6
- Frontend reporting SMTP errors when sending failed
- Fixed wrong extra data in email template
v 0.9
- added functionality for google reCaptcha
Version: 0.9,
Timestamp: 21-02-2017,
Downloads: 1285
- added functionality for google reCaptcha
Version: 0.8,
Timestamp: 01-12-2015,
Downloads: 4406
- fixed bug in template editor
- upgrading will keep existing templates and frontend.css
- improved cleaning of unused templatefields
- direct link to formcreator when in template editor
Version: 0.7,
Timestamp: 07-04-2014,
Downloads: 3751
Added multiple linked forms possibility
Version: 0.6,
Timestamp: 24-03-2014,
Downloads: 2460
Added fileupload possibility
Version: 0.5a,
Timestamp: 21-03-2014,
Downloads: 2383
Added the possibility for multiple forms on a single page
Version: 0.4,
Timestamp: 18-03-2014,
Downloads: 2436
Completely rewritten form handler with better detection of required fields
Multiple responsive demo templates
Version: 0.3,
Timestamp: 19-06-2013,
Downloads: 2317
Now uses mail settings in WB (phpMail/smtp)
Fixed remember checkbox problem
Version: 0.3,
Timestamp: 19-06-2013,
Downloads: 1944
without templates and stylesheets
Use this one to upgrade if you have modified templates and/or frontend.css
Version: 0.2,
Timestamp: 19-06-2013,
Downloads: 1997
Added ASP protection (if set in the admintool)
Added CAPTCHA. (just include in the template to activate)
Added German languagefile (thanks to Stefek)
Version: 0.1,
Timestamp: 19-06-2013,
Downloads: 2020
Initial release.