WBstats - WebsiteBaker admintool

Deze tool geeft je de mogelijkheid om in de /admin van je eigen website simpele statistieken te gebruiken.

Geen uitgebreide functies zoals in Google Analytics of Piwik, maar simpele tellers die als grafiek worden weergegeven.

Belangrijk is dat deze statistieken geen gebruik maken van lastige javascripts en cookies! Gewoon 1 regel toevoegen aan je template en de statistieken zijn aktief.

Via een tooltip ziet u de huidige bezoekers van de website, en op welke pagina ze kijken.

Kewords, Referers en websites waar bezoekers van afkomstig zijn worden gemeten over de laatste 7 dagen.

Klik na de installatie op de help knop om de installatie instructies te zien voor uw WB versie.

Wijzigingen sinds v0.2

- Ingangs en Uitgangs pagina's worden nu bijgehouden.

- Vanaf nu worden de Top 10 details berekend over de laatste 90 dagen (was 7 dagen).

- Er zijn nu popup schermpjes met de Top 100 van alle tellers.

- Een "cloud" scherm geeft aan hoe lang bezoekers gemiddeld op de website verblijven en hoeveel pagina's er gemiddeld worden bekeken.

Versie 0.2.2

Belangrijkste toevoeging in v0.2.2 is de "Live" pagina die (bijna) real-time bezoekersacties laat zien.



- fix for testing emtpy referer generating php8 error (class.count.php)
- set timeout for location lookups.

- fix for using the frontend wbstats-viewer
- fix referer_host error in php8
License: GNU / GPL
Timestamp: 17-12-2023
Filesize: 81.83 KB
Downloads: 452

Version:, Timestamp: 19-10-2022, Downloads: 840
- some more fixes in install.php and upgrade.php for the older MySQL 5.7
- fixes in install.php and upgrade.php for the older MySQL 5.7

Version:, Timestamp: 07-07-2022, Downloads: 538
- security fix
- showing 404 status when recent 404 module is used
- better bot detection (calls without browser language are fake and not counted)
- added UTM campaign recording
- added GCLID and FBCLID detection (logged as campaign data)
- fixed issue with viewing searchkeys
- fixed issue mysql 5.7+ (setting ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY)
- fixed several php 8.1 "deprecated" issues
- fixed updgrade.php for MySQL-Strict / Doctrine
- fixed table cleanup routines
- added logbook visitory history
- added the option to ignore specified IP adressess

Version: 0.2.5, Timestamp: 07-07-2022, Downloads: 459
- showing 404 status when recent 404 module is used
- better bot detection (calls without browser language are fake and not counted)
- added UTM campaign recording
- added GCLID and FBCLID detection (logged as campaign data)
- fixed issue with viewing searchkeys
- fixed issue mysql 5.7+ (setting ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY)
- fixed several php 8.1 "deprecated" issues
- fixed updgrade.php for MySQL-Strict / Doctrine
- fixed table cleanup routines
- added logbook visitory history
- added the option to ignore specified IP adressess

Version: 0.2.2, Timestamp: 09-12-2020, Downloads: 932
- fixed small bug in upgrade script when used in complete CMS upgrades
- fixed bug showing current online
- extra page with live visitor view
- Detect local search keywords

Version: 0.2.1, Timestamp: 03-12-2019, Downloads: 1076
- added entrypages, exitpages, time/pages cloud
- changed detail history to the last 90 days (was 7 days)
- made it WBCE compatible, including frontend view (using multi module_function - WBCE only)

Version: 0.1.11, Timestamp: 09-08-2017, Downloads: 1608
- fixed error for bad requests (hacking attempts)
- IP addresses not stored anymore (comply with German law)
- Using new referer variable in WB2.10. Changing config.php not needed.

Version: 0.1.9, Timestamp: 20-02-2015, Downloads: 6647
improved styling for new admin themes.
(using grey layout)

Version: 0.1.8, Timestamp: 22-10-2014, Downloads: 5307
+ fixed mysql bug for WB2.8.3 SP3
+ added many bot detection strings in botlist

Version: 0.1.7, Timestamp: 14-06-2013, Downloads: 4789
+ Added german languagefiles (thanks to jacobi22)
+ Help pages in current language
+ bugfix loading the tooltip scripts if WB is not in root (thanks marmot)

Version: 0.1.6, Timestamp: 14-06-2013, Downloads: 2047
+ Small bugfix after initial version. (Thanks to BlackBird)