Create a download link that is unique for the current session only. The direct location of the download will not be visible.
$parm = "dwn";
$path = WB_PATH.MEDIA_DIRECTORY."/files/";
$ip = preg_replace(['/.d*$/','/[da-f]*:[da-f]*$/'],['.XXX','XXXX:XXXX'],$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
if(isset($_GET[$parm])) {
$id = $_GET[$parm];
if(isset($_SESSION['dyndwn'][$id])) {
$download = $_SESSION['dyndwn'][$id];
$contenttype = mime_content_type ($download);
$filename = str_replace($path,'',$download);
error_log("$ip - Download: $filename");
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-type: $contenttype");
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
header("Content-Length: " . filesize($download));
header('Pragma: public');
header("Expires: 0");
readfile($download );
} else {
if(!isset($file)) return true; // no filename
if(!isset($title)) $title = $file; // no link text
if(!file_exists($path.$file)) return true; // file does not exist
$guid = bin2hex(random_bytes(8));
$_SESSION['dyndwn'][$guid] = $path.$file;
return '<a target="dwn'.$guid.'" href="?'.$parm.'='.$guid.'">'.$title.'</a><iframe style="height:0;width:0;display:none;" name="dwn'.$guid.'"></iframe>';
return true;
Note: change the $path variable in line 2 to the file location in your media folder.
The download is "recorded" in your error logfile with the anonimized IP address of the downloader. If you do not want that, remove line 10 (error_log(..... etc )