JSONPage and JSON snippet - WebsiteBaker

Hieronder vindt u de download links voor beide modules.

  • Installeer de snippet op de website die u als content server wilt gebruiken.
  • Installeer de JSONPage module op de website waar u remote content wilt kunnen laten zien.


<< Terug



Server snippet
v0.1.0 - initial version
License: GNU / GPL
Timestamp: 13-04-2012
Version: 0.1.0
Filesize: 3.67 KB
Downloads: 1648



July 3, 2012 - Version 0.1.1

July 4, 2012 - v0.1.2
- Fixed a small backend error when no url is given
- Added possibility to select remote block (ie contentblock 2 > http://remoteurl?json=2 )
- Added search functionality (using the cached content)

October 29, 2012 - v 0.1.3
- Small fix for websites with magic_quotes_gpc still on
License: GNU / GPL
Timestamp: 29-10-2012
Version: 0.1.3
Filesize: 7.28 KB
Downloads: 1637