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Suggested dropletname: ShowWysiwyg

Published by: dbs

Display one defined WYSIWYG section

global $database;
$content = '';
$section = isset($section) ? intval($section) : 0;
if ($section) {
 if (is_readable(WB_PATH.'/modules/wysiwyg/view.php')) {
 // if valid section is given and module wysiwyg is installed
 $iOldSectionId = intval($section_id); // save old SectionID
 $section_id = $section;
 ob_start(); // generate output by regulary wysiwyg module
 $content = ob_get_clean();
 $section_id = $ioldSectionId; // restore old SectionId
return $content;

The parameter needed is the section id of the content you want to include.



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