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This droplet can be used to redirect the page to the first childpage.

Normally done using a menu_link, but sometimes it is hard to change an existing page to a menu_link.


Just a simple droplet that generates linked headlines from a newsgroup.


Create a Dropdown box of selected page titles and 'Jump To' that page when selected


Create a Dropdown box of Child Pages and 'Jump To' that page when selected.
You can specify a specific starting PAGE_ID to list from a different portion of the site.


Modification of the SiteMap Droplet, SiteMapChild will display and link a site map starting at the current page or specified PAGE_ID


Creates a simple "Back" link to the previous viewed page.
Especially useful with options like the JumpToPage Droplet.


The NextPage2 Droplet will create a link to the next page.
(works over all menu levels)


The PreviousPage2 Droplet will create a link to the previous page.
(works over all menu levels)


This Droplet will show a sitemap using the Show_Menu2 snippet.


This Droplet uses show_menu2 to create a list of child pages of the current page.
This can be handy to include on those pages where you dont have real content but just need to tell a little bit about the coming sub pages.


A droplet that will create a link to the previous page on the same level.

Used together with PrevieouwPage you can create a nice browsing experience through arrticles on your website.


A droplet that will create a link to the next page on the same menu level


A droplet to show the parenpage of the current page (if any)


This Droplet creates a list of pages that will have one or more similar keywords in the page settings.